2012 Core Tune List

We’ve come up with some core tunes for the 2012 Portal Irish Music Festival.   These are generally “common” tunes, and our hope is that students either already know these tunes, or can try to learn at least the “bullseye” tunes prior to the festival.   The idea is not for the instructors to teach these tunes, but for them to be able to give you their take on the tunes, and talk about instrument-specific ideas and techniques for playing the tunes.  That will have a much greater impact if you already play the tune! (And the individual instructors will likely be teaching other tunes during the week).

And if you don’t already play these tunes, learning them will help you in sessions all over the world, and it will give us some commonality for sessions at the festival!

Think of this list kind of like a target.   If you are learning the tunes prior to the festival, concentrate on the “bullseye” tunes first, and then the “outer ring” tunes. Click on a tune name, and you will find links to ABC notation, Sheet Music, and MP3 Files (where available)

Bullseye Tunes

Reel: Blackthorn Stick

Jig: Tripping Upstairs

Hornpipe: The Home Ruler

Outer Ring Tunes

Reel: Drunken Landlady

Jig: Kitty’s Rambles

Hornpipe: Taylor’s Twist

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