Introduction to Bodhrán
We’ll discover how it’s best for you to hold the bodhrán and the tipper in order to render the best sound qualities from your drumming and to avoid repetitive strain injuries. We’ll discuss and practice some safe practicing techniques, including stretches for the bodhrán player. We’ll also cover the roles of the bodhrán in different contexts, drum size, skin types, and caring for the beastie properly. We’ll also discuss what a “starter bodhrán” really is and isn’t, and we’ll get started with some marches and reels.
Exploring Your Bodhrán
We’ll begin with experimenting with skin tensions and tippers and discover what they produce. We’ll also explore the use of different amounts of force when playing the bodhrán and the results such differences create and how to cultivate a strong base of control over your tipper execution. Strike placement on the skin makes a difference in tone and timbre, so we’ll experiment with that in conjunction with all the above. In spite of what some might wish to believe there are inappropriate sounds our favorite drum can make in an Irish traditional music context – so we’ll find them so that we can avoid them. Owning more than one drum can be advantageous in several ways, so we’ll talk a bit about why one would want more than one drum and what kind of questions can lead you to a confident decision about your next drum purchase.